Kamis, 09 Agustus 2018

Explanation of ICO USAT


United Scientists Association of Technology  operates a digital incubator for high profits and commercial mind ideas. United Scientists Association of Technology  or abbreviated as USAT is a platform that can quickly and efficiently take a product to market through a platform. The use of a blockchain storage system, IP can protect all payment levels. The USAT platform has proven that by successfully taking the IP from the business for the project, the solar wind technology that will be launched at the end of 2018.

Wind generation with solar technology uses renewable energy. The design is very simple and flexible making it have many applications. Another thing that makes it easy to access is the cheap price. Solar technology wind generation is very easy and scalable to find every available energy because it consists of a series of pipes that are connected to each other, forming an indentation. Inside each pipe there is a flat, flat plate that helps to absorb the heat of the sun. There is also a turbine at the top. As a generator of hot air, warm air in the pipe must pass through the pipe to leave the pipe, and return to produce power.

There are several advantages of this technology, namely:

  1. the technology can be adapted using waste air or industrial impact waste to generate it.
  2. the impact is low, does not damage the environment. Because the energy used is renewable energy.
  3. very safe. The technology does not use chemicals, medicinal water or combustible gasoline. So it will be safe to use.
  4. made from materials that can be recycled.
  5. because what is needed is air, so it can be technically built anywhere. The oenting is open and there is air or heating from the sun.

The advantage of these technology products is to collect water in the form of condensation for irrigation or irrigation of farmers' fields. In addition, the price is also cheap and can create power of less than 0.03 USD per KWH. This makes it cheaper than other technology tools on the market. The production only depends on the location conditions

Wind generation with solar technology is also designed to produce power even until the sunset can still be applied. The flexibility of the design, can be adapted using waste air by the industry or factory which is converted into power to the energy needed. The technology does not provide anything, but a heating source to operate can be built into certain environmental conditions and limited space that can still function for irrigating rice fields, industries, and communities,

To manage a place or country with stable infrastructure, solar-powered wind technology is very reliable. In addition, the energy is also very clean to be used by the community. Unlike solar panels, solar-powered wind generator technology is very cheap and easy to maintain. In addition, if something unexpected happens, the technology is very easy to repair, you as a consumer do not need special skills to fix it. The technology is very durable, and makes it ideal for places where access is difficult. Everyone can make it because the design is very simple. You can do it yourself or even pay local workers to do this.

The USAT team believes that this technology is a huge potential to make an impact to the world, starting with helping the community, making the industry clean, and also more efficient.

For More Information, Please Visit the Link below:

BitCointalk username: F.Samosir
ETH Address: 0x2A2085Db290BA8a68f4537b95f35900627B9c4c4
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